
Showing posts from October, 2019

Ideas for Magazine Content

This Blog is important because the information here will pertain to the information I will put inside of my magazine. Some of this information can be based off of the survey that my classmates took to better help me understand what my audience wants. Fashion tips will be important to have because students want to know what they should wear as in what combinations look goo and how to best color coordinate, etc. Fashion trends can be just as important since students might want to know what is going on in the fashion world and what is currently popular and unpopular. Pictures that are examples of the different fashion trends so that students can see what this might look like. There will be a contents table to help students to better find what they are looking for within the magazine.

Market Research Analysis

     This blog is meant for my own understanding of the survey results. 50% of the people stated that they read magazines and 50% said they don't. When asked what type of magazine is most interesting, the students responded with fashion. The majority of students responded that yes, a fashion magazine would appeal to them. The students responded to the survey that casual is the most interesting fashion style for my magazine. In this typed question, students had to state what they would like to see in a fashion magazine and the most common answer was models for both genders. This is also a typed question and it asks the students for what kind of information they would like for the magazine to include and fashion trends was the most seen here. There were students both 17 and 18 years old but 17 took the lead. Half of the respondents were male and half were female. Those are the answers to all 8 questions on the survey.

Market Research Results

Below I am going to publish the results from the survey research: With these results I can start creating my magazine. 

Market Research Questions

I came up with some questions for the survey research that best helps me shape what my magazine will be like. The questions are the following: 1. Do you read magazines? 2. What type of magazine is the most interesting to you? 3. Would a fashion magazine appeal to you? 4. Which fashion style interests you the most? 5. What would you like the cover a fashion magazine to include? 6. What would you like the inside of a fashion magazine to include? 7. What is your age? 8. What is your gender?

Market Research

I will create a survey and have my classmates respond so that I can learn how to make my magazine best appeal to the public. This way I will understand what the audience is looking for such as what kind of information they want to learn about fashion along with what color scheme would look best. Later on I will analyze the data.

Main Magazine Ideas

I have decided to have specific examples of magazines in the general area of fashion that I've been thinking of creating for myself. This is a good example for a magazine that focuses on women's beauty through there fashion sense. I like this example for a men's fashion magazine that is based on what is trending for men to wear as well as what it states about themselves. This is a good example for a fashion magazine that includes both genders if I were to do that for myself. Admin. (2019, March 28). 10 Marketing Ideas for Your... Retrieved from


1. Affiliate Marketing: One way to market the magazine is to offer the current subscribers free issues of subscriptions when they refer another reader to the magazine. 2. Social Media: Advertise the magazine on social media through creating a website and having different social media accounts talking about the magazine and getting like minded people to subscribe. 3. A Great Offer: Make the price for digital subscription really good so that readers can't say no and even have contests and giveaways. 4. Subscription Options: The latest generation likes options so different options for subscriptions should be offered so that they can receive the magazine at their house or in their email. Admin. (2019, March 28). 10 Marketing Ideas for Your... Retrieved from

Examples of Double Page Spread

Lauraoakley. (2013, December 19). Analysis of double page spread: Retrieved from

Contents Page Examples

These are a few examples of what magazine contents pages look like. References: Jose, M. (2019, September 18). Designing the perfect table of contents: 50 examples to show you how. Retrieved from

Double Page Spread Conventions

     A double page spread is the main part of the article since it is the part of the magazine that carries the information. Even though it is 2 separate pages, it can be used so that its seen as 1 big one. The double page spread has 2 layout formats, the first one being having an image on the left and the content on then right or a small image on the left and content on both pages. Double Page Spread Conventions Colo Scheme : It is usually the same as the cover page. Emotive Language : Language playing on the emotion of the reader. Layout : An overall presentation. Pull Quotes : Quotes enlarged compared to the rest of the text. Mode of Address : In what way the audience is spoken to. Anchorage Text : The text found under the main picture, usually carrying a link. Buzz Word : Words that catch the reader's attention. References: ellagart Follow. (2015, October 6). Codes and conventions of double page spread. Retrieved from

Conventions of Magazines Contents Page

     Content pages can be vital to a magazine and key to the reader's understanding of the magazine. A contents page organizes a magazine into sections. It simplifies the process of looking for a specific section of the magazine by having the number and title of each page. For example if one wanted to look for the latest dresses in a fashion magazine then they would look at the contents page and find where it says "page 03 Dresses" and turn to that page instead of having to look through every page. These are the convention for a context page: Title : At the top of the page is the name of the magazine, issue date, and the word "Content" or "Contents Page." Sub-headings : Divides the different articles and content into sections, making it easier for readers to find information. Main image : Singular picture in the contents page that relates to the feature article. Some may include multiple small images. Columns : The columns show the page numbe

Magazine Conventions

Here are a few qualities that a good magazine should pertain: A good front cover: The part of the magazine that is most looked at is the front cover so therefore one should take their time designing it so that it draws the attention of the public. A contents page: Having a nicely organized contents page may help the reader better understand what's going on in the magazine. Pictures: The center of attention of all magazines are the pictures within it so make sure that the pictures are intriguing. Spreads: It is understood that magazines are not absorbed in individual pages but in spreads, therefore the magazine should be designed so that it is easy for the reader to understa nd.

Examples of Magazines

Below will be displayed a few pictures of different magazines that I thought were interesting as examples: Sports Cooking Entertainment Education Fashion

Magazine Genres

For my research, I have been looking at different magazine genres, these are the ones that have interested me the most. The examples are provided below: Cooking = This magazine is made up mostly of different types of food recipes but also includes cooking tips and etc. Education = In these magazines, one will be able to find information on world news among other information intended from preschool to university. Entertainment = This might be my personal favorite magazine since it has a little of everything and can be very useful when bored, it also has uses for both men and women. The categories contained are fitness, nutrition, health and style topics for both genders. Sport's = This magazine is rather obvious in that it keeps up with all the sports games and keeps the scores but something interesting it does is talk about individual athlete's achievements and personal stories. Fashion = The major tasks of this magazine are to provide beauty, makeup and style tips t