
Showing posts from December, 2019

Audience Theories #3

The Agenda Setting Function Theory: Developed by McCombs and Donald Shaw and published in 1972. They found a correlation between issues voters believed were important and issues reported prominently in the media.  According to Joseph Klapper, the only time the media can.  This theory states the thought that news media creates public agenda.

Audience Theories #2

Two-Step Flow Theory: Acknowledges communication is a more complex progress.  According to a study, news on Twitter finds its way to people through a diffuse layer of opinion leaders. Audiences are active and seen as part of a society as a strength.

Audience Theories #1

I have been studying audience theories in class to gather an understanding of how audiences work. Here is the first one I learned about. Hypodermic Needle Theory: Was developed in 1920's - 1930's and is all about how it affects people. Passive audience Linear Communication theory No individual difference, everyone is the same 

Moodboard 2

I created a second moodboard to showcase some more ideas.


Here is a screenshot of my fashion magazine cover moodboard.

Fashion Photographers

I decided to study a few fashion magazine photographers to gain a better understanding of what images to use for my magazine. This is one of the photographers I thought were interesting. Peter Lindbergh His work:

Evaluating Interview Responses 3

For this post, I will be evaluating my double page spread interview responses. My classmate agreed with me that it was a good color scheme. They suggested I try brighter colors so I could bring the magazine to life a bit more.

Evaluating Interview Responses 2

Now I will be evaluating my contents page interview responses. My classmate discussed how the picture I used needed a little bit of work. I may need to take better centered pictures so that it looks more organized.

Evaluating Interview Responses 1

After my first interview on my sample cover page, I decided to evaluate my classmates' responses. Just like how I had thought, it came out good for a first time using the software and trying it out. I do need to work on the layout a bit more, however.

Interview #3

After doing my interviews on my sample cover and contents page, I went on to the double page spread sample. I asked my classmates about the layout and what improvements I needed. Video: link